Taking your new pup home.

Your new pup will have quite an adjustment going from the comfort of their siblings in the whelping area to their wonderful new home. Their whole life has been snuggling up with their littermates. Even though they will have been weaned from their mom for a while and they will have been very well socialized, they will still miss their siblings and this seems to take its toll on the digestive tract. A more easily observed sign of the stress can be seen in the poop. Their poop will often become less stable (more runny) and may even have a little blood in it. It should not reach an all liquid state. Typically after 3 days the poop starts to get more firm as the pup gets more comfortable with the new setting.  For reference it is a good idea to get pictures of the poop when you can. In order to help with the transition it is also helpful to offer the pup a little rice cooked in chicken broth. The broth makes the rice more palatable and the rice is easy on the GI tract. Tune in for more info as we get our blog going. The information presented in this blog are in no way to be considered medical advice or suggestions of treatment. These are anecdotal observations for consideration.

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