Our Name - Past Pups - Health Guarantee
Canis Magnus Kennels - Georgia
Our name came about as a result of much thought and much discussion. Canis Magnus is Latin for Canis-Canine-Dog and Magnus-Superior, or the Superior Dog. In choosing the dogs we breed we strive to find (and often actually keep, since ours are the best) the best dogs we can. We are appropriately described as a family operation with a focus on helping develop the best animals we can that will serve in as many functions, at a very high level, as possible for their new owners.
Our dogs make great companions and best friends more than anything else but have also been trained for an almost infinite number of different jobs. They will sit on the couch, play fetch, or many have been trained to work at very high levels and very successfully in the field/woods. Our pups have gone to Falconers, professional athletes, Olympic athletes, casual walkers/hikers/joggers, military, firefighters, police, bird hunters, lake enthusiasts, hikers, CEOs, retirees, small children, new families, retired families, etc… Our pups are in local neighborhoods and some have been swimming in the Mediterranean. They are on magazine covers, website front pages, living rooms, and the front seats of trucks. They are greeters at hardware stores, hotels, medical facilities, and kitchens. They are in Germany, over 10 in Canada, 6 in Alaska, in Belgium, California, New York, Miami, and just about every state in the US. We have had a fantastic demand for our kennels from people a mile away all the way to Europe and many places in between. We have contacts for resources that can help people get the pups anywhere in the world, although we mostly like to have people come by and meet in person when we can.
We started with a rescue GSP over 25 years ago. After we had to put Buddy down with cancer Dr. Wylie found a great male named Tyson. Not long after that a gentleman offered Rascal, a female, to us. He said the pedigree combination would make great hunting dogs. My daughters had seen cows and chicks born on our little farm but had never seen puppies born. We had a litter of pups and they were fantastic. Soon people started calling and emailing to see when we would have another litter. After a couple of years we researched and looked for hunting qualities and pedigrees and added Janie. Because of the quality of dogs and willingness to help people the waiting list grew. Around 2014 Dr. Wylie knew he would be retiring from 30 years of teaching public school science/physics, although he still teaches a few college physics classes in his spare time, and he designed a new facility. He designed the kennels for his late father-in-law. He was in the latter stages of Leukemia and loved interacting with the dogs. The whelping areas and the pens were designed so his father-in-law could safely sit in a small sporting vehicle and ride along and pet the dogs or we could safely let the dogs out to run wide open and his father-in-law could be with them. The kennels were built for our dogs to be able to enjoy space outside with room to run and move and allow elderly or little children to safely enjoy being with them. A visit to our kennels will let you see for yourself.
The pups and adults are in contact with people each day and are allowed to be around other dogs, so they are well socialized at many different levels. We also have an indoor facility for the moms to whelp their pups. In our whelping barn we have a nice, spacious, insulated building with convenience for the moms and even visitors to get around in the building and to have safe access to outside activities.
We are constantly upgrading, adding to, taking away, and generally improving our kennels, our website, our options for folks. As we grow we make many new acquaintances (the best part of running the kennels) through our customers (some on their 4th dog now), trainers, transporters, vendors, and vets. We have great resources in the event that there are any questions. On top of that, Dr. Wylie has a wealth of experience and knowledge he is more than happy to share with you.
A Special Pup and a moment with travis tritt
This photo of me with country music legend Travis Tritt has a heartwarming story behind it. While I didn’t sell him a pup, I had the privilege of attending an event where I donated one of my puppies to an auction supporting veterans with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and PTSD. It was a proud moment to see one of my pups play a small role in raising funds for such an important cause. Meeting Travis Tritt was a bonus, but the true star of the day was that little puppy making a difference!

Our health guarantee:
At Canis Magnus we go to great effort to create a safe and clean environment for all our dogs. They are all seen by our vets multiple times prior to going to their new home. With great confidence we offer our health guarantee. There are many environmental organisms that may affect even the healthiest of pups, but very few of those are life threatening if detected early and the vast majority are easily treated. Our guarantee does not include minor illnesses and health issues such as colds, allergies, internal or external parasites or umbilical hernias. However, we will disclose any known illnesses or health issues prior to the sale. After leaving our kennels the puppy should have limited or no contact with potentially infected areas (dog parks, rest stops, etc…) until after they have had their full regimen of shots and boosters. This is usually around 15-16 weeks. The buyer, at their own expense, should have the puppy examined by a licensed and reputable vet within 72 hours of receiving the puppy. The breeder assumes no responsibility for any medical expenses incurred after the sale. The breeder assumes no responsibility for training difficulties or behavior problems. The breeder gives a one year guarantee against any congenital defects of the puppy. If this should occur then the puppy will be returned to the breeder, and the buyer will receive another puppy of the same breed when there is one available.